
 Grade 6

Grade 6 Criteria

Grade 6 Math

Most students are placed in Grade 6 Math. This course is for students who are at grade level and able to handle the mathematical content at the expected pace for this age. This placement will be appropriately challenging for the majority of students. A major focus for the year is computational flexibility with whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percents, as well as concepts in geometry and measurement, data and probability, and algebraic thinking. Problem solving skills will be reinforced and extended.

Grade 6 Advanced Math

This placement is designed for students who have shown superior ability in mathematics. This course covers all of the Grade 6 Common Core standards as well as Grade 7 concepts such as but not limited to, Rational Numbers, Ratios and Proportional Relationships, Geometry, and Multi- step Equations and Inequalities. To be successful in the Grade 6 Advanced Math course, it is expected that a student acquires math concepts easily, at a faster pace, and is then able to apply those skills and concepts independently. A successful student in Grade 6 Advanced Math has demonstrated a strong command of computation skills, a conceptual understanding that goes beyond rote memorization, and has outstanding problem solving skills.


1. Outstanding Grade 5 math achievement:

    • Consistently meets expectations and goes beyond them
    • Grasps concepts quickly with little re-teaching necessary
    • Critical areas: Mathematical Thinking, Number & Operations, Algebraic Thinking

2. Outstanding performance on Grade 5 Unit Assessments

3. Mathematical Behaviors - consistently completes assignments on time and with attention to quality and organization

4. Meets or exceeds district cut off scores on the NWEA, Orleans Hanna Algebra Readiness Assessment, and other district benchmark assessments