
 Grade 7

Grade 7 Criteria

Grade 7 Math

Most students are placed in Grade 7 Math. This level is for students who are at grade level and able to handle the content expectations for mathematics at the expected pace for this age. Students are ready to apply mathematical skills and practices using a variety of strategies in the major content domains: The Number System, Ratios and Proportional Relationships, Equations and Expressions, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.

Grade 7 Pre Algebra

To be successful in the Grade 7 Pre Algebra course, it is expected that a student acquires math concepts easily and at a faster pace. This course covers all of the Grade 7 Common Core Standards including but not limited to; Rational Numbers, Geometry, Statistics and Probability, and Grade 8 Common Core standards. A student in Grade 7 Pre Algebra has also demonstrated a strong command of computation skills and outstanding problem solving skills. A successful student in Grade 7 Pre Algebra is a strong independent learner who shows an interest in the subject area and perseveres through more challenging problems. This student is fluent in operations involving whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. He or she also has a strong number sense, a deep conceptual understanding, and is able to transfer the skills and understandings to new problems.


1. Outstanding Grade 6 or Grade 6 Advanced Math achievement:

    • Consistently meets expectations and goes beyond them
    • Grasps concepts quickly with little re-teaching necessary
    • Critical areas: Mathematical Thinking, Number & Operations, Algebraic Thinking

2. Outstanding performance on Grade 6 or Grade 6 Advanced Unit Assessments 

3. Mathematical Behaviors - consistently completes assignments on time and with attention to quality and organization

4. Meets or exceeds district cut off scores on the NWEA, Orleans Hanna Algebra Readiness Assessment, and other district benchmark assessments