Current PowerSchool Users
Click the link above or bookmark the following URL if you are currently using PowerSchool.
New to PowerSchool
If your family is new to Tolland, please email Candace de Loureiro - [email protected], and she will be happy to create your account for you.
To access PowerSchool: It is highly recommended that you do this the first time on a computer, then you may use your credentials to sign into the PowerSchool app on a mobile device. (For mobile sign in, after you complete the following five steps, you will need the district code - WDMT, and then your email and password that you set.)
1. Go to:
2. Click the forgot password option
3. Enter your email address. It needs to be the email we have on record
4. Send Request
5. Go to your email, you should receive a link to reset your password
Add a New Student to an Existing Account
If you have an older student in the district, we added in your student to your already created account. You may have received a notification that the student was added. You can continue to use the password that you have been using but will now be able to toggle to all your students. If you don't see all your children, please give a call, and we will be happy to make sure we've made the right connections for you.
If you have any issues or questions, please email Candace de Loureiro - [email protected]