Tolland Public Schools
K – 12 Literacy Vision
The Tolland Public Schools are communities of learners who are well-read, critical thinkers. In the Tolland Public Schools, the students are engaged in reading, writing, listening, and speaking with independence and confidence. We embrace the science of reading pedagogy which is a comprehensive body of research that encompasses scientific knowledge of reading instruction and how proficient literacy skills develop. To understand how a student develops into a skillful reader, we follow Gough and Tunmer’s Simple View of Reading which states that:

This represents Decoding x Language Comprehension equals Reading Comprehension. Furthermore, we embrace Scarborough’s Reading Rope which illustrates the foundational components of skilled reading.

At all levels and to varying degrees, a structured literacy approach is utilized. The Tolland educators teach all aspects of language in support of reading development, particularly at the elementary level. Areas taught as part of a structured literacy approach include:
- Phonological structure and phonemes: instruction in the sounds of spoken words
- Sound-symbol correspondences: instruction in letters, the speech sounds that letters represent, and how letters are combined to form words
- Word Structure and patterns: instruction in the representation of the sounds of a language by written or printed symbols
- Morphology: instruction in how to build and understand words using the meaningful units of words
- Word meanings: instruction in vocabulary
- Grammatical and text structure: instruction in how words are combined to convey meaning
Students benefit from a gradual release of responsibility in which they receive modeled instruction and engage in practice opportunities. It is incumbent upon the Tolland Public Schools to ensure that all students learn to their greatest potential.
Literacy is a civil right.
Links for more information: (note the chart on page 18)
Defining Movement. (2021, October 10). The science of reading: A defining guide.
Gough, P.B., & Tunmer, W.E. (1986). Decoding, reading, and reading disability. Remedial and Special Education, 7, 6-10.
Scarborough, H. S. (2001). Connecting early language and literacy to later reading (dis)abilities: Evidence, theory, and practice. In S. Neuman & D. Dickenson (Eds.), Handbook of research in early literacy (pp. 97-110): Guilford.
Secretary to the Administrator of Humanities
Beth Bates
860-870-6850 extension 6